Air type
Eta100 Ultra
Optical Microphone
XARION's Eta100 Ultra membrane-free optical microphone is able to listen to the entire acoustic frequency bandwidth that can be physically transmitted through air. The patented sensor technology allows coverage of the range from 10 Hz to 1MHz with a single sensor head. It was specially designed for very high sound pressure levels up to 180 dB (A) SPL.

* Features
- Membrane-free optical microphone
- For very high sound pressure levels
- Frequency range: 10 Hz–1 MHz (acoustics and ultrasonics)
- Dynamic range: 80–180 dB (A) SPL
제조사 XARION Laser Acoustics GmbH
가격 TBD
문의 차종호이사/기술, 김지철이사/영업 (T.02-3461-1103)
제품 특징

XARION's Eta100 Ultra membrane-free optical microphone is able to listen to the entire acoustic frequency bandwidth that can be physically transmitted through air. The patented sensor technology allows coverage of the range from 10 Hz to 1MHz with a single sensor head. It was specially designed for very high sound pressure levels up to 180 dB (A) SPL.


 ☆ Membrane-free optical microphone

 ☆ For very high sound pressure levels

 ☆ Frequency range: 10 Hz–1 MHz (acoustics and ultrasonics)

 ☆ Dynamic range: 80–180 dB (A) SPL

# Eta100 Ultra Datasheet (502.56 kB) 

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Open Access Publications

#Characterization of polymer-based piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers for short-range gesture recognition applications
#Development of an innovative measurement system for audible noise monitoring of overhead lines
#Optical microphone hears ultrasound